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Linda Walsh is a Canadian writer and artist born in London, England. Since coming to Canada at the age of seven, she has lived in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario. Her love of travel has taken her to Europe, Asia, and South America. 

Linda has won the Commonwealth Short Story Competition for Canada and Europe and a People’s Poetry Prize. She has been on the shortlist for the Guernica Prize, the Eden Mills Writers' Festival Literary Contest, the Southwest Regional Arts Council of B.C. Writers’ Prize, and the Alice Munro Short Story Contest. She was longlisted for the CBC Short Story Contest. She has been published in Commonwealth BroadcasterPeople's Poetry, and Existere Journal of Arts and LIterature. She has read her work at the Eden MIlls Writers' Festival, the Guernica Prize Bash, and the Booming Ground Writers' Community, and on CBC Radio.

Linda's first novel, At Half-Light: A Story of Tango and Memory was released in 2022. Her second novel, Interpreting Silence, was released in 2024

A graduate of the University of Toronto and Queen's University, Linda's articles based on her Ph.D. research have been published in the American Journal of Human Genetics and Human Heredity.

Linda is also an Argentine tango teacher and has been published in T.O. Tango and Dance Review and Dance Time. She was the tango instructor for the 2019 film, Into Invisible Light.

Linda is a member of the Canadian Authors Association and the Women's Art Association of Canada.

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Photo credit: Daniel Walsh


Linda and her books will be at the 35th Annual Word on the Street Festival, Sept 28-29, 2024 in Queen's Park, Toronto. Meet Linda at the Keneton Road Press booth!

Linda's second novel, Interpreting Silence, has been released by Kenton Road Press.

The eBook version of Linda's novel, At Half Light: A Story of Tango and Memory, is now available.  

Readers and writers had the chance to chat with Linda at the Eden Mills Writers' Festival on Sunday September 10, 2023 with copies of her novel, At Half-Light: A Story of Tango and Memory, available for signing on Publishers' Way. 

book launch party for Linda's novel, At Half-Light: A Story of Tango and Memory was held at Joy of Dance Centre, Toronto. Saturday, July 22, 2023, 7:30-11:30 pm.There was a reading and book signing by Linda and some special guests. Oscar Casas was there with an exhibit of his tango paintings. We also had the opportunity to hear the wonderful voice of tango singer Elbio Fernández and chat with Miguel Libedinsky, the producer and director of the film, Hearts of Tango. The evening was finished in style with some tango dancing.

Linda's story, Ghost Light, is in the 2022 Spring/Summer issue of Existere Journal of Arts and LiteratureVol. 41 (2).

Linda was a recipient of a 2021 Toronto Arts Council grant in support of a second novel in progress.

Linda was one of three finalists in the 2021 Alice Munro Short Story Contest. Read the story Landscape of Extremes.









© 2022 Linda Walsh